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The shock waves or Radial Pressure Waves in this device are generated with a precision ballistic mechanism in the hand piece. A projectile is accelerated by compressed air. The motion and weight of the projectile produces kinetic energy. When the projectile impacts against an immovable object, the “shock” transmitter, this kinetic energy is converted into sound energy. This acoustic pules is transmitted into the tissue to be treated with the transduction through ultrasonic gel. These waves are physically classified as Radial Pressure Waves. The applied pressure pulse propagates radially within the tissue and has a therapeutic effect 1000x more effective than ultrasound. The transmitters are used to release fascial adhesion and introduce radial pressure waves tangentially into the tissue to optimize the movements of the tissue layers.

What can shockwave therapy treat?

  • Shoulder Pain
  • Hand and Foot Pain
  • Myofascial Pain
  • Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain
  • Muscle and Connective Tissue Disorders
  • Cervicalgia, Dorsalgia, Lumbalgia
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Elbow and Knee Pain
  • Pre and Post Operative Recovery
  • Fascia Adhesions, (Plantar Fascitis)
  • Trigger Points/Trigger Bands
  • IT Band/Piriformis Syndrome

The Benefits of Shockwave Therapy

*The therapy stimulates the body’s natural self-healing process. There is an immediate reduction in pain and improves ranges of motion. Nerve stimulation at the injury site releases growth hormones to promote healing and tissue angiogenesis.

*Treatment produces an inflammatory response. The body responds by increasing metabolic activity around the site treated. This stimulates and accelerates the healing process by remodeling dysfunctional collagenous tissue, such as tendinopathies, trigger points and chronic strains. Research shows cell proliferation at the active site increased collagen production to increase wound strength.

*Shockwaves break down scar tissue and tissue calcification (bone spurs)

*Pain is reduced by stimulation of neurological mechanoreceptors that cause nociception inhibition.

*Shockwave therapy may eliminate the need for surgery.

How long does the treatment last?

Approximately 2000-5000 shocks are administered per treatment area and the duration of which is approximately 5 minutes. Some conditions require more shocks and duration, depending on the severity and chronicity. Each treatment session will consist of one body region. Multiple regions may be treated on the same date, but will need to be scheduled accordingly and each body region treated will be charged as a separate service. Plan on a 15 minute appointment.

How many treatments will I need?

Normally 4-6 treatments are necessary at weekly intervals; there are more complex cases that will need 2-4 additional treatments due to the chronicity. Should you not respond as expected within this time, your case will be reviewed by one of the doctors to determine appropriate referral options. Success with Shortwave Therapy is 90% effective! A successful treatment schedule is reached when a patient has at least 75% pain reduction within 3 months.

Will it hurt?

It is a short treatment that may be a little uncomfortable, but adjustments can be altered on the shockwave device to decrease the intensity. There may or may not be immediate pain, but some discomfort may be experienced 2-4 hours post treatment. In some cases it can last up to 48 hours, or in rare cases up to 5 days. Some bruising and swelling can occur.

Somethings to Keep in Mind

  • Do not use anti-inflammatory meds.
  • Do not use ice for at least 24 hours.
  • Use Tylenol, if needed, as it is not an anti inflammatory.
  • Decrease physical activity for 48 hours post treatment.

Please inform us if any of these apply to you…

  • Coagulation Disorders, Thrombosis
  • Use of Anti-Coagulants (Heparin, Arfarin, Coumadin)
  • Tumor or Cancer
  • Pregnancy
  • Growth plate in Children
  • Cortisone Treatments within 6 weeks in affected area.
  • Medical conditions with pacemaker, metal implants.