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Warren M. Lain, D.C. was born and raised in Enid, Oklahoma. Always a top student in his youth, he spent his free time running track, playing soccer and basketball. Upon graduation from High School, Dr. Lain was recruited to Western State Colorado University in Gunnison, CO where his family previously enjoyed many beautiful summer and winter vacations in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

Dr. Lain’s avid love for whitewater rafting led him to serve as a guide on the Arkansas and Taylor rivers while attending Western State Colorado University. Here, Dr. Lain learned the invaluable life resources of communication with, and education of his clients. Graduating with honors, he accomplished a B.A. in Biology, with a professional and environmental emphasis, and a minor in Chemistry in 1995. During his educational tenure at WSC, Dr. Lain distinguished himself as the recipient of a special administrative scholarship, three consecutive years, earning him coordination responsibilities of all undergraduate teaching assistants for the Biological Principles Department. In this capacity, he began to grasp the importance of human interactions and the benefit one gains by helping others.

The story of his Chiropractic discovery began after a crushing bike accident in 1994 which left Dr. Lain in sever neck, mid-back and shoulder pain as well as nearly daily intense headaches. After 2+ years, conventional allopathic medicine treatment he could still not resolve the pain. Prescription medications, physical therapy and all recommended avenues were unsuccessful until he went to a Chiropractor. Years of training to pursue a degree as a D.O. or M.D. were set aside after experiencing the practical benefits and results of Chiropractic care, which led him to pursue a Doctorate in Chiropractic in 1998. Dr. Lain admits that he didn’t expect the results of Chiropractic care and to this day is constantly amazed at the beneficial results that patients receive. Warren went on to Cleveland Chiropractic College of Kansas City. He received Dean’s List honors each term and graduated Cum Laude.

Since 2001, Dr. Lain has been the Co-owner of New England Chiropractic, a state of the art health care facility which utilizes the most current technology to enable the team to deliver the highest quality of health.

In 2009, Dr. Lain was blessed to have a healthy son, who continually exhibits the benefits of having a Chiropractor as a father. As our young bodies develop and endure life’s traumas, Dr. Lain feels strongly that it is essential to include Chiropractic care at a young age in order to optimize and enhance adaptation to the challenges one experiences beginning with birth! Chiropractic care can help enhance a young child’s immune system and aid in the elimination of ear infections, colds and poor sleep that can affect a number of children.

In addition to treating patients and being involved with his practice, Dr. Lain has been involved in the local community.

  • Member MCA 2002-present
  • Board Member of Kiwanis Westbrook 2010-present
  • Certified Pediatric Chiropractor
  • Board member of Westbrook Environmental Improvement Corporation 2012-present
  • Board Member of Westbrook Recreation and Conservation Commission 2015-present
  • Dad and Husband.